Package deals in Füssen
is the organizer of the package deals listed below:
Füssen Tourism and Marketing
Institution under public law of the town of Füssen
Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 1
87629 Füssen
Please note the travel conditions for the package deals.

Füssen moments
Package deal from Füssen Tourismus und Marketing
A long weekend in Füssen - for romantics and those who want to become one.
2 nights in Füssen

Advent delights in Füssen
Package deal from Füssen Tourism and Marketing
Treat yourself to a little break from the often hectic Christmas preparations.
2 nights in Füssen

Hot on white
Package deal from Füssen Tourism and Marketing
The Füssen offer for your flying visit to the gentle Allgäu winter.
2 nights in Füssen

Time out for connoisseurs
Package deal from Füssen Tourism and Marketing
You just want to relax and spend a few quiet days in the Allgäu?
2 nights in Füssen

Sleep sniffing
Package deal from Füssen Tourism and Marketing
Learn from Füssen sleep experts how to get a good night's sleep again.
5 nights in Füssen
Bookable hosts
These establishments are exclusively hosts that participate in the packages offered by Füssen Tourismus und Marketing under the conditions specified. Not all of the hotels listed can be booked for every package. We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance when booking.
Leaflets and flyers
View, download or order brochures, local maps and leaflets.