Back to a good night's sleep, of course
Do you also lead an "overtired" life? Do you have problems falling asleep? Are you unable to sleep through the night and keep waking up at night? Do the bad nights line up like the appointments in your diary? The three-week, Kneipp-based compact cure "Healthy sleep through inner order" - an outpatient preventive treatment in compact form in the event of illness - in Füssen in the Allgäu region helps you get back to good, healthy sleep. The three-week compact cure is recognized by health insurance companies and is subsidized by the statutory health insurance companies. In addition, scientists at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich have confirmed the effectiveness of the program in a study. At the heart of the program is Sebastian Kneipp's idea of "inner order", the central pillar of his natural healing method.

... to the compact cure "Healthy sleep through inner order"
With selected sleep specialists, the BETTENRID podcast clarifies all the important questions about good sleep so that listeners can wake up more rested tomorrow. In the 27th episode, qualified psychologist and seminar leader Sascha Maurer reports on the compact sleep cure in Füssen.
The compact cure
If outpatient measures at home are not sufficient, outpatient preventive care services at recognized health resorts may be considered. Outpatient preventive care services can also be provided in a compact form as a so-called compact cure. The compact cure is an interdisciplinary outpatient service that is coordinated under medical supervision and carried out in groups with a disease-specific focus according to a structured therapy concept. As a rule, outpatient preventive services can be applied for every three years and are paid for by the relevant statutory health insurance fund if medically necessary. You submit the application for a compact cure together with your family doctor to your health insurance company. As you organize your own accommodation, you are also free to choose your own accommodation.
Since June 21, 2021, the outpatient spa treatment has been elevated from an optional benefit to a mandatory benefit in statutory health insurance. This means that everyone with statutory health insurance is entitled to outpatient preventive services at a recognized spa in accordance with Section 23 (2) SGB V.
Sustainably improved sleep quality
The three-week, Kneipp-based compact cure is based on the study of the same name "Healthy sleep through inner order", conducted by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Füssen Tourismus und Marketing. Thanks to the well-founded study, the success of the Kneipp therapy concept with regard to non-organic, lifestyle-related sleep disorders was proven in July 2018. The program resulted in significant improvements in sleep quality, well-being, chronic stress levels and other target values, which is why participation in the "Healthy sleep through inner order" compact cure is particularly suitable for people with non-organic, lifestyle-related sleep disorders (ICD-10 F51).
By participating in the compact cure, you will receive comprehensive information on the topic of sleep and sleep disorders as well as guidance on lifestyle changes with the aim of achieving a sustainably improved quality of sleep and thus also contributing to an increased quality of life . When used correctly, Kneipp therapy is a well-tolerated treatment method with no risks or side effects that is also suitable for older people, for example. However, Kneipp therapy should not be used for serious infections/illnesses or major injuries.
The Füssen compact sleep cure
Important information
As the "Healthy sleep through inner order" compact cure is based on a scientific study in which only patients with non-organic, lifestyle-related sleep disorders (ICD-10 F51) took part, people with such sleep disorders are the target group of the cure.
Patients with organic sleep disorders, i.e. sleep disorders caused by other illnesses, such as breathing pause syndrome (sleep apnoea), restless legs syndrome, pain-related sleep disorders, depression, etc., do not generally benefit from the Füssen compact cure "Healthy sleep through inner order".
Exception: patients with both organic and non-organic sleep disorders. Example: organic sleep disorder in sleep apnea syndrome (G47.31) + non-organic sleep disorders (G47.2/F51). In these cases, people with organic sleep disorders also benefit, provided that the underlying illness has been well controlled by a GP or specialist and the non-organic part of the condition still persists.
In any case, please talk to your GP about possible participation in the "Healthy Sleep through Inner Order" compact cure if you have one of the following illnesses and/or medications. If your family doctor is unsure about recommending a cure, the Füssen team of spa doctors will be happy to support you by telephone if necessary - please contact us.
- Sleep apnea syndrome
- Restless legs syndrome
- Neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease)
- Mental illnesses
- Pain-related sleep disorders
- Other sleep disorders due to an organic disease
- Alcohol addiction
- Prescription sleeping pills (only if taken regularly, occasional use is possible)
- Psychotropic drugs (only if taken regularly and in higher doses)
- Psychostimulants (e.g. amphetamines, Ritalin, ...)
- Antiepileptic drugs
- Prednisolone, dexamethasone (low doses must be checked in individual cases)
- Other ongoing treatment for insomnia
- Working night shifts (but preferably former shift workers)
1. entitlement:
Anyone with statutory health insurance who meets the medical requirements is entitled to a cure. As a rule, outpatient preventive services can be applied for every three years. As a person with statutory health insurance, you can apply for the compact cure "Healthy sleep through inner order" as part of approved outpatient preventive services in accordance with Section 23 (2) SGB V. Since the outpatient spa treatment has been elevated from an optional benefit to a mandatory benefit in the statutory health insurance since 21 June 2021, every person with statutory health insurance is entitled to outpatient preventive services in a recognized health resort in accordance with Section 23 (2) SGB V.
2. medical findings:
Every spa treatment application begins with a consultation with the attending doctor and a certificate of medical necessity for a spa treatment. Depending on the nature of your complaints, your doctor will advise you to take the compact cure "Healthy sleep through inner order" (see recommendations for participation).
3. apply for a cure:
Together with your family doctor, you fill out the application for approval of a medically necessary compact cure or you use the digital cure application of the Bayerischer Heilbäderverband e.V. A comprehensive justification of the medical necessity by the doctor must be attached to the application. You submit these two documents to your responsible cost bearer (health insurance or pension insurance, subsidy office). Here you can already specify the Kneipp spa town of Füssen im Allgäu as your desired place of stay according to the indication (ICD-10 F51).
4. examination:
The spa application is checked by the medical service, the contract doctor or the public health officer.
5. approval:
The responsible cost bearer (health insurance, pension insurance or subsidy office) issues the approval. If your treatment application is approved by the respective cost bearer, please contact us as soon as possible, as the implementation of the compact treatment "Healthy Sleep through Inner Order" is based on reaching a fixed minimum number of participants. We will then send you all further participant information and the binding confirmation of participation form. The decision for or against the realization of the compact cure depends on the number of signed participation confirmation forms received by Füssen Tourismus und Marketing. You will receive information from us as to whether the compact cure can take place on your desired date after the registration deadline four weeks before the start of the cure.
6. refusal:
Even if the outpatient cure is again one of the compulsory benefits provided by the health insurance companies, in some cases it may be rejected, for example if the waiting period has not been met or the treatment options at your place of residence have not been exhausted. If the application for a cure is rejected, an appeal can be lodged in writing within four weeks.
7. health resort:
The compact cure "Healthy sleep through inner order" takes place exclusively in the recognized health resort of Füssen in the Allgäu. The program is carried out at the Eggensberger Therapy Center in the Füssen district of Hopfen am See, which is authorized to bill the statutory health insurance companies for spa services.
8 Implementation:
An employee must take leave for the duration of an outpatient preventive treatment. The compact cure "Healthy sleep through inner order" lasts three weeks (21 days).
9. costs:
The compact cure "Healthy Sleep through Inner Order" is approved by all statutory health insurance companies as an outpatient preventive treatment in compact form. In the case of outpatient preventive services in recognized health resorts, 100 percent of the costs of the spa doctor and the costs of the medical-therapeutic services as well as 90 percent of the costs of the spa medication are covered by the statutory health insurance companies. Your own contribution is 10 percent of the cost of the spa treatment and EUR 10.00 per prescription. The health insurance company will only cover the costs if you attend all the scheduled lessons. Ask your health insurance provider about a subsidy for additional costs such as accommodation, meals and spa fees.
10 Private cure:
If you do not have statutory health insurance, you have the option of taking part in the compact cure as a private cure on a self-pay basis. For the possibility of a cost subsidy or cost reimbursement, please contact your responsible cost bearer (health or pension insurance or subsidy office) on an individual negotiation basis. Please clarify the necessary formalities with them and then submit the application for approval of a medically necessary compact cure together with your family doctor or public health officer. If your application is rejected, you are free to take part in the compact cure at your own expense - even if you have statutory health insurance. Ask Füssen Tourismus und Marketing about the current treatment costs.
Seminar structure:
Most program items take place as group events. Please note that not all services of the compact course are fully accessible to people with reduced mobility.
In the case of outpatient preventive care, you are responsible for your own accommodation and bear the costs yourself. You are free to choose your accommodation. Please note the applicable cancellation conditions of the respective accommodation provider. If you wish to cancel free of charge before the registration deadline, please contact your host directly regarding your participation in the "Healthy Sleep through Inner Order" compact cure.
The treatments and seminars take place at the Eggensberger Therapy Center in the Füssen district of Hopfen am See. If you are staying in another part of Füssen, it is advantageous to have your own car, as public transport travel times are not coordinated with the cure schedule. For your accommodation in Füssen im Allgäu, we recommend the certified hosts for good and healthy sleep, who specialize in the topic of "better sleep". You can find an overview of all bookable accommodation in Füssen in our accommodation search.
Data protection:
The compact cure "Healthy sleep through inner order" complies with the regulations on medical confidentiality and data protection. Data collected by Füssen Tourismus und Marketing will be treated confidentially in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. This concerns the contact details of interested parties. For further information, please read our privacy policy.
For the further organization of the approved spa stay, the contact details of the participants will only be passed on to the Eggensberger Therapy Center, Hopfen am See as the performing, billing-authorized facility if the minimum number of participants is reached and with the corresponding declaration of consent. Your data is subject to medical confidentiality in accordance with § 203 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) in conjunction with § 9.
If your treatment application is approved by the relevant funding body, please get back to us as soon as possible, as the implementation of the "Healthy sleep through inner order" compact treatment is based on reaching a specified minimum number of participants. We will then send you all further information on participation and the binding confirmation form. The decision for or against the implementation of the compact cure is based on the number of signed participation confirmation forms received by Füssen Tourismus und Marketing. You will receive the information as to whether the compact cure can take place on your desired date four weeks before the start of the cure.
>> Number of participants: 5 - 15 persons
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