Constanze Lindner

Comedy cabaret

Many of the hilarious stories from her bestselling book "Miss Understanding" are just crying out to be performed on stage! With her fresh, new comedy stage program "Lindners Lebenslust" she is now on tour and on March 8th at Magnuspark in Füssen! She talks, jumps, runs, laughs, reads and throws herself around with all the enthusiasm and cheerfulness that is in her. And anyone who experiences this show about the book suddenly realizes how hilarious tips for dealing with oneself can be. Because in this program, the world of a woman is also funny and instructive for men.
Look forward to an entertaining evening in a unique location directly on the Lech!

More about Constanze Lindner

Das Bild zeigt ein Portrait der Kabarettistin Constanze Lindner, die am 8. März 2025 in Füssen auftrit.

Tickets are available online, at the Tourist Information Füssen and at the box office. Seats are not numbered.
The venue is not barrier-free. Drinks will be on sale before and during the cabaret.
Admission: 6.30 pm - start: 7.30 pm

Please note that photos and videos will be taken during the event for press and public relations purposes.

Füssen Tourism and Marketing
A.d.ö.R. of the city of Füssen
Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 1
87629 Füssen


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Following the successful launch as an open-air event in January 2018, Füssen Tourismus und Marketing has expanded LechKlänge into a cultural and cabaret evening in subsequent years. The 2025 event will take place on Saturday, March 8. The motto, location and program for 2025 will be announced here shortly.

Das Bild zeigt mehrere Personen in Tracht. Man erkennt nur ihre Köpfe und Oberkörper. Die Männer tragen grüne Trachtenjacken. Die Frau mit Blüten verzierte Schultertücher. Alle tragen grüne Trachtenhüte. Die Männer haben Gamsbärte, die Frauen Adlerflaume an ihren Hüten befestigt. Im Hintergrund sind bunte Hausfassaden zu erkennen. Darüber thront der Uhrturm des Hohen Schlosses. Der Himmel ist blau. Die Sonne scheint.

Calendar of events

In addition to art and cabaret, a variety of events await you in Füssen! Culture, nature and more...

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