Cycling hosts

Accommodation specializing in cycling enthusiasts

Füssen im Allgäu focuses on quality for every stay. That's why our cycling hosts are certified as partners of the Allgäu brand or quality criteria of the ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club) for bicycle-friendly accommodation (Bett+Bike).

Exemplary services of a Füssen bike host

  • Staying overnight for just one night is no problem.
  • Your bike is stored in a lockable room free of charge.
  • If you are caught in a rain shower on the way, there is a room to dry your clothes and equipment.
  • The Bett+Bike hosts offer you breakfast or cooking facilities.
  • Regional cycling maps and guides, train and bus timetables and, if necessary, boat and ferry offers are available for you.
  • A repair kit with the most important tools for simple jobs is available. For larger repairs, the host knows the nearest workshop.
Das Bild zeigt eine Frau und einen Mann von oben, die sich eine blaugraue Bettdecke über die Nasenspitze ziehen und in die Kamera blicken. Ihre Köpfe sind auf ebensoblaugrauen Kissen gebettet.

Long-distance cycle paths

Füssen is the ideal starting point

Long-distance cycle routes in the Allgäu are also easily accessible with these hosts. Cycling without luggage? No problem, thanks to individual luggage transport to your next accommodation.

Still haven't found accommodation for the next stage? The cycle hosts will be happy to help you here too. And if you particularly like somewhere, you can of course simply extend your room for one night.

Das Bild zeigt einen Mann und eine Frau beim Fahrradfahren. Sie fahren auf E-Bikes, tragen Freizeitkleidung und Helme. Sie fahren auf den Betrachter zu auf einer asphaltierten Straße, die von Wäldern umgeben ist. Beide lächeln. Die Sonne scheint.

Overview of certified bike hosts

Find your next accommodation here

Book your vacation with a certified cycling host in Füssen and its districts - so that your cycling vacation in the Allgäu is particularly relaxing, enjoyable and unique. Take a look at all the themed hosts if you would like to find out more about our top benefits.


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What is behind it?
  • Allgäu brand partners: These hosts have committed themselves to the Allgäu umbrella brand promise. This is based on numerous criteria, with a particular focus on sustainability and regionality.
  • KönigsCard: In these accommodations you will receive the KönigsCard during your stay, with which numerous attractions in the area are free or discounted. Especially recommended for families.
  • Hiking hosts: In addition to expert hiking advice, there are also numerous practical facilities here. The requirements for certification come from the German Hiking Association - then they are "Qualitätsgastgeber Wanderbares Deutschland". Alternatively, the hiking hosts are partners of the Allgäu brand with additional certified thematic specialization.
  • Cycling hosts: These hosts are either partners of the Allgäu brand with additional certified thematic specialization or certified according to the quality criteria of the ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club) for bicycle-friendly accommodation(Bett+Bike). Parking facilities and advice are a matter of course and only the beginning of numerous criteria to be fulfilled.
  • Cultural hosts: The cultural highlights in Füssen are the specialty of these hosts. They are partners of the Allgäu brand and fulfill additional culture-specific criteria.
  • Sleeping hosts : The Füssen sleeping hosts specialize in good and healthy sleep. In addition to special equipment in the rooms, specialists are available to answer your questions about sleep.
  • Health hosts: These hosts offer a wide range of health services as well as cures and rehabs.
  • Lechweg: The long-distance hiking trail "Lechweg" is a successful product. The partner hosts know the trail and are well prepared for hikers.

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