General Terms and Conditions

Füssen Tourismus und Marketing does not participate in voluntary dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. Nevertheless, we are obliged to provide you with the contact details of the competent body:

Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V.
Straßburger Str. 8, 77694 Kehl
Telephone: +49 7851 79579-40
Fax: +49 7851 79579-41

Internet:, e-mail:

Guest accommodation and agency conditions
You can use the following link to download the Guest Accommodation and Agency Terms and Conditions, which apply (if effectively agreed) to guest accommodation contracts based on the host directories, catalogs or accommodation offers on websites published by FTM:
Travel conditions for package deals of Füssen Tourismus und Marketing
You can use the following link to download the travel conditions for package deals, which (if effectively agreed) apply to package deals for which Füssen Tourismus und Marketing itself acts as the tour operator:
Contractual and agency conditions for group offers to private groups
You can download the contractual and agency terms and conditions for group offers to private groups via the following link:
Contractual and agency terms and conditions for group offers to commercial clients
You can download the contractual and agency terms and conditions for group offers to commercial clients via the following link:
Agency and contract conditions for guided tours in Füssen
You can download the terms and conditions for guided tours in Füssen via the following link:

Leaflets and flyers

View, download or order brochures, local maps and leaflets.

A small stack of brochures