Kneipp² development axis
As a continuation of the Interreg small-scale project "Kneipp development axis" with the training of Kneipp health trainers in the region, the topic of Kneipp and its many facets was brought back into focus in spring 2024 and the network around the health teachings was further deepened.

Three-part series of events
The aim of the meeting measure was to get people interested in the topic of Kneipp again and anew. An information and networking event was held in spring 2024. The aim was to attract participants from tourism, health professions, mountain and hiking guides, nature guides and all interested private individuals and to present current information and examples of best practice. In two subsequent one-day workshops, knowledge on the topics of "sleep" and "forest bathing" was acquired and networks were established. The region has the best conditions for the application of Kneipp's teachings and the individual interest in preventive health care is noticeably on the rise among locals and our guests.

The kick-off event for the cross-border people-to-people project took place on March 15, 2024 at the novum event location in Reutte. Around 40 participants received comprehensive basic information about the five "pillars" of Kneipp's teachings. Expert presentations and best-practice examples from the participating regions as well as a panel discussion formed the heart of the information day. The event also provided space for discussions, networking and visits to various information stands.

At the sleep workshop on April 15, 2024 in Füssen, led by qualified psychologist Sascha Maurer, the 14 participants looked at how Kneipp's ideas can be used to combat sleep disorders and restlessness at night and to improve sleep hygiene. Central to this was the Kneipp pillar "Inner Order", which focuses on a mentally balanced lifestyle that can contribute significantly to healthy sleep.

On May 14, 2024, the second workshop on "Forest Bathing" took place at the Hotel LechZeit in Elmen/Austria. Under the guidance of health educator Gabriele Baumeister from the Sebastian Kneipp Academy, 17 participants from both countries explored the healing powers of the forest. Mindfulness in nature, also known as "Shinrin Yoku", and the positive effects on body and soul were the focus of this course. In addition to theoretical basics, simple exercises for everyday life were taught.
Project overview: | |
Lead partner | Lechweg Association |
Funding program | Interreg encounter measure (people-to-people project) |
Project period | 01.10.2023 - 30.06.2024 |
Project costs | 4.988,00 EUR |
Funding rate | 75 percent |
The project was approved by the Regional Steering Committee on 16.05.2023.
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