Pleasure cycling in Füssen

Gentle tours around Füssen for connoisseurs

Whether it's pleasure cycling or a leisurely bike tour with children: Everything is possible on a cycling vacation in Füssen in the Allgäu. Because on the gently undulating and sometimes even completely flat routes at the foot of the mountains, cyclists can enjoy themselves to the full. Whether you cycle towards Neuschwanstein, through the Faulenbach valley or to the Hopfensee and Weißensee lakes - the next bathing bay is always on the way.

All pleasure tours at a glance

Pleasure tours

Moderate tours between 15 and 70 kilometers.

Forggensee circuit
The easy to moderately difficult route around the Forggensee is ideal for families and leisure cyclists, with numerous opportunities for breaks and charming villages along the way.
Castles and palaces tour
The cycle tour takes you through an impressive landscape. Along the way, you will discover numerous castles, fortresses and ruins that characterize the Allgäu.
Kneipp cycle tour Füssen
You will find Kneipp stations along the route, including the well-known Kneipp and treading pools. Enjoy the views of the Alpine foothills and the nearby mountains with Neuschwanstein Castle.
Emmental cycle path from Hopfen am See
Start your cycle tour on the Emmental cycle path in Hopfen am See and experience the Allgäu with a visit to a traditional cheese dairy.
Hopfensee Panorama Tour
The Hopfensee Panorama Cycle Trail leads around the idyllic Hopfensee and offers breathtaking views of the Allgäu Alps.
Royal Schwarzenberg Tour
The royal Schwarzenberg cycle tour takes you past the royal castles and through idyllic villages. A highlight is the ascent to the Schwarzenberg with its magnificent views.
Alpine valleys circuit
The medium-difficulty Alpentäler tour takes you through the idyllic valleys of the Allgäu, past gentle hills, meadows and small streams.
Lechradweg: Stage Lechbruck - Weißenbach
The Lech Cycle Path, on the stage from Lechbruck to Weißenbach, takes you along the turquoise-blue Lech through picturesque landscapes.
Zirmgrat circuit
The Zirmgrat cycle tour takes you on challenging trails through the passages along the Zirmgrat ridge, which are rewarded with fantastic panoramic views.
Bannwaldsee circuit
The leisurely route is ideal for families and leisure cyclists, with numerous rest stops and views of the surrounding mountains.
From Weißensee to the castle ruins
The sporty tour from Lake Weissensee to the castle ruins of Eisenberg and Hohenfreyberg offers an exciting combination of nature and history.
Das Bild zeigt eine Familie, bestehend aus einer Frau einem Mann, einem Mädchen und einem Jungen. Sie tragen sportliche Freizeitkleidung. Sie sitzen auf dem Waldboden. Rings um sie herum wachsen Bäume. Sie halten Trinkflaschen in den Händen und lächeln sich zu. Der Himmel ist blau. Die Sonne scheint durch die Äste und Zweige der Bäume.

Active tips

To be able to experience the Allgäu landscape for a long time to come, please take note of our activity tips. Because mutual respect and consideration for people and nature should be the top priority for all activities.

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