Being active in nature
We all love being outdoors. The fresh air and nature allow us to take a deep breath, relax and get away from it all - at any time of year. This is how we create space for ourselves - but we should always remember that humans are only guests in nature. Basically, our recreational space is the habitat of the animals and plants that live there. Accordingly, we need to adapt our own behavior and always bear in mind that we are moving directly in the animals' space and that they also need their privacy.
Protected areas around Füssen
There are numerous designated protected areas of various categories around Füssen, as can be seen on the map. You can find more detailed information and explanations in the Bayernatlas.
But what is allowed where - or not?
There is no general answer to this question, as there is a separate protected area ordinance for each individual protected area, in which the respective regulations are laid down. If an area is located in several protected areas at the same time (e.g. landscape conservation area and bird sanctuary) - which is often the case - several ordinances apply accordingly. The following protected areas exist in Füssen:
- Nature conservation areas
- Landscape conservation areas
- Bird sanctuaries
- Flora-Fauna-Habitat areas (FFH area)

Would you like to find out more about the purpose of protected areas?
The purpose of a nature reserve is the conservation, development and restoration of habitats and communities that are particularly valuable in terms of nature conservation and of supra-regional importance. The nature reserve is the second highest category of protected area after the national park.
The purpose of a landscape conservation area is to protect the diversity, character and beauty of the landscape in order to preserve and restore the performance and functionality of the ecosystem in areas of nature conservation value as well as the special significance for recreation.
The purpose of a bird sanctuary is to protect bird species, safeguard breeding areas and preserve the resting and wintering areas of native or migratory bird species.
The purpose of a flora-fauna-habitat area is to safeguard the biodiversity of wild animals and plants by preserving natural habitats.

Forest-wildlife sanctuaries
There are also forest-wildlife conservation areas, which are particularly important for winter activities . These areas are designated by the German Alpine Association and are not legally binding. Nevertheless, they should be observed out of consideration for the animals.
What applies regardless of any protected areas?
- Stalking wild animals and disturbing them is always prohibited
- Picking wild plants is only permitted in small quantities (hand bouquets)
- Picking mushrooms is only permitted in small quantities (required for one meal)
- Open fires may only be made with the consent of the landowner and at a distance of more than 100 meters from the forest
- Spending the night outdoors always requires the consent of the landowner
- Launching hang-gliders/paragliders is only permitted at authorized sites

Active in the digital world in an environmentally friendly way
Many people enjoy posting pictures of their last tour or particularly beautiful moments in nature on social media. And of course, it's great to share these experiences with others and show your enthusiasm for nature and outdoor adventures. But to ensure that we can all continue to enjoy such moments in the future, there are a few simple things we should keep in mind - out of respect for nature:
- Don't post"insider tips", as these can quickly become hotspots.
- Always post pictures without a location.
- When posting pictures of rare animal and plant species, make sure that the background does not give away the location.
- Always observe local regulations.
In this way, everyone can play their part in ensuring that particularly beautiful places remain quiet and that rare animal and plant species are not disturbed and possibly decimated.

Spotting times in the mountains
The higher up in the mountains, the longer the decomposition processes take. In addition, waste often contaminates considerable amounts of groundwater due to chemicals in cigarettes and the like or pesticides on fruit peel. Therefore, take all waste - whether organic or residual waste - back with you and dispose of it in the appropriate garbage cans or collection containers. This applies both in the valley and on the mountain. Plants and animals will thank you for it and in the end it will also benefit us humans.
Check the rotting times here:
1 to 3 years
up to 5 years
30 to 50 years
300 years
200 to 400 years
500 years
500 to 800 years
4,000 to 50,000 years
Leaflets and flyers
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