Public toilets
Address | Barrier-free | With Eurokey | Opening hours |
Skate and bike park (Schwedenweg) | Wheelchair accessible | please note the opening hours of the operator | |
Klosterhof (Lechhalde 3) | Wheelchair accessible | yes | please note the opening hours of the operator |
Morisse (in the parking lot) | Wheelchair accessible | yes | please note the opening hours of the operator |
Market hall | Wheelchair accessible | please note the opening hours of the operator | |
Lechfall (Tiroler Straße) | no | no | please note the opening hours of the operator |
Train station (Bahnhofstraße 12) | Wheelchair accessible | please note the opening hours of the operator | |
High Castle (Magnusplatz 10) | Wheelchair accessible (although there is a steep path to the castle) | Please note the opening hours of the operator | |
Federal base / ice sports center (Arena / Halle1) | Wheelchair accessible | please note the opening hours of the operator | |
at Café Mar y Sol (boat harbor) | Wheelchair accessible | please note the opening hours of the operator | |
Underground parking garage Sparkasse | Wheelchair accessible | please note the opening hours of the operator |
Address | Barrier-free | With Eurokey | Opening hours |
Next to Gasthaus Waldwirtschaft (Badseeweg 5) | Wheelchair accessible | ||
Mittersee Park near the Kneipp meadow (Badeseeweg 3) | - |
Address | Barrier-free | With Eurokey | Opening hours |
at the bathing area | Wheelchair accessible | yes | |
Village store Weißensee / Tourist Info Point Weißensee | Wheelchair accessible | only possible during opening hours |
Address | Barrier-free | With Eurokey | Opening hours |
Hopfenvillage store (Uferstraße 21a) | Wheelchair accessible | yes | only possible during opening hours |
on the lakeside path, near the Hopfensee campsite | Wheelchair accessible | ||
Haus Hopfensee / Tourist Information Hopfen (Höhenstraße 14) | Wheelchair accessible | only possible during opening hours |
Address | Barrier-free | With Eurokey | Opening hours | |
Bath Faulenbach | Oberseebad (Alatseestraße 25) | Wheelchair accessible | only possible during opening hours | |
Füssen - town area | Tourist Information Füssen (Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 1) | Wheelchair accessible (currently closed as elevator is broken) | only possible during opening hours | |
Füssen - town area | Skate and bike park (Schwedenweg) | Wheelchair accessible | ||
Füssen - urban area | Klosterhof (Lechhalde 3) | Wheelchair accessible | yes | only during the opening hours of the Klosterhof |
Füssen - city area | Morisse (on the parking lot area) | Wheelchair accessible | yes | |
Füssen - city area | Train station (Bahnhofstraße 12) | Wheelchair accessible | ||
Füssen - city area | High Castle (Magnusplatz 10) | Wheelchair accessible (however, a steep path must be covered to reach the castle) | only during opening hours | |
Füssen - town area | Federal base (BSP) / Ice sports center (Arena / Hall1) | Wheelchair accessible | only during opening hours | |
Füssen - city area | at Café Mar y Sol (boat harbor) | Wheelchair accessible | ||
Füssen - city area | Underground parking garage Sparkasse | Wheelchair accessible | ||
Weißensee | at the bathing place | Wheelchair accessible | yes | |
Weißensee | Village store Weißensee / Tourist Info Point Weißensee (Seeweg 4) | Wheelchair accessible | only possible during opening hours | |
Hopfen am See | Hopfenvillage store (Uferstraße 21a) | Wheelchair accessible | yes | only possible during opening hours |
Hopfen am See | on the lakeside path, near the Hopfensee campsite | Wheelchair accessible | ||
Hopfen on the lake | Haus Hopfensee / Tourist Information Hopfen (Höhenstraße 14) | Wheelchair accessible | only possible during opening hours |
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