Public toilets

AddressBarrier-freeWith EurokeyOpening hours
Skate and bike park (Schwedenweg)Wheelchair accessibleplease note the opening hours of the operator
Klosterhof (Lechhalde 3)Wheelchair accessibleyesplease note the opening hours of the operator
Morisse (in the parking lot)Wheelchair accessibleyesplease note the opening hours of the operator
Market hall Wheelchair accessibleplease note the opening hours of the operator
Lechfall (Tiroler Straße)nonoplease note the opening hours of the operator
Train station (Bahnhofstraße 12)Wheelchair accessibleplease note the opening hours of the operator
High Castle (Magnusplatz 10)Wheelchair accessible (although there is a steep path to the castle)Please note the opening hours of the operator
Federal base / ice sports center (Arena / Halle1)Wheelchair accessibleplease note the opening hours of the operator
at Café Mar y Sol (boat harbor)Wheelchair accessibleplease note the opening hours of the operator
Underground parking garage SparkasseWheelchair accessibleplease note the opening hours of the operator
AddressBarrier-freeWith EurokeyOpening hours
Next to Gasthaus Waldwirtschaft (Badseeweg 5)Wheelchair accessible
Mittersee Park near the Kneipp meadow (Badeseeweg 3)-
AddressBarrier-freeWith EurokeyOpening hours
at the bathing areaWheelchair accessibleyes
Village store Weißensee / Tourist Info Point WeißenseeWheelchair accessibleonly possible during opening hours
AddressBarrier-freeWith EurokeyOpening hours
Hopfenvillage store (Uferstraße 21a)Wheelchair accessibleyesonly possible during opening hours
on the lakeside path, near the Hopfensee campsiteWheelchair accessible
Haus Hopfensee / Tourist Information Hopfen (Höhenstraße 14)Wheelchair accessibleonly possible during opening hours
AddressBarrier-freeWith EurokeyOpening hours
Bath FaulenbachOberseebad (Alatseestraße 25)Wheelchair accessibleonly possible during opening hours
Füssen - town areaTourist Information Füssen (Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 1)Wheelchair accessible (currently closed as elevator is broken)only possible during opening hours
Füssen - town areaSkate and bike park (Schwedenweg)Wheelchair accessible
Füssen - urban areaKlosterhof (Lechhalde 3)Wheelchair accessibleyesonly during the opening hours of the Klosterhof
Füssen - city areaMorisse (on the parking lot area)Wheelchair accessibleyes
Füssen - city areaTrain station (Bahnhofstraße 12)Wheelchair accessible
Füssen - city areaHigh Castle (Magnusplatz 10)Wheelchair accessible (however, a steep path must be covered to reach the castle)only during opening hours
Füssen - town areaFederal base (BSP) / Ice sports center (Arena / Hall1)Wheelchair accessibleonly during opening hours
Füssen - city areaat Café Mar y Sol (boat harbor)Wheelchair accessible
Füssen - city areaUnderground parking garage SparkasseWheelchair accessible
Weißenseeat the bathing placeWheelchair accessibleyes
WeißenseeVillage store Weißensee / Tourist Info Point Weißensee (Seeweg 4)Wheelchair accessibleonly possible during opening hours
Hopfen am SeeHopfenvillage store (Uferstraße 21a)Wheelchair accessibleyesonly possible during opening hours
Hopfen am Seeon the lakeside path, near the Hopfensee campsiteWheelchair accessible
Hopfen on the lakeHaus Hopfensee / Tourist Information Hopfen (Höhenstraße 14)Wheelchair accessibleonly possible during opening hours

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