Road biking in Füssen

The sporty cycling vacation

Just let it roll? Collect kilometers on routes in the hilly foothills of the Alps? No problem! Because the routes around Füssen in the Allgäu make everything possible on a road bike vacation.

Your weatherproof road bike map

available from us

The road bike map "Alpen-Radarena Füssen und Roßhaupten - Unsere Rennradklassiker" lists 13 varied road bike tours. Elevation profiles, detailed information and tips on the routes can be found on the back. All tours are also available online with GPS download. The weatherproof and tear-resistant map was created in collaboration with Füssen Tourismus und Marketing, the municipality of Roßhaupten and the Hotel Kaufmann (Roßhaupten) and is available there.


Das Bild zeigt drei Frauen in Trikots, Radlerhosen und Fahrradhelmen. Sie stehen auf einer Wiese neben ihren Rennrädern und unterhalten sich miteinander. Die Wiese grenzt an einen See. Im Hintergrund erheben sich Berge. Der Himmel ist blau. Die Sonne scheint

All road bike tours at a glance

Road bike tours

Attractive tours with plenty of kilometers.

Forggensee steam locomotive circuit
The Forggensee Steam Locomotive Tour is a charming cycle tour that runs partly along the Forggensee lake and follows the historic steam locomotive route. The easy route offers picturesque views of the lake and the Alps as you cycle through idyllic forests and meadows.
Plansee circuit
The Plansee circuit is a picturesque road bike tour that leads around the clear Plansee lake and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. Perfect for cycling fans who want to experience a combination of sporting challenge and impressive natural and cultural landscapes.
Gaichtpass-Oberjoch circuit
With steep climbs and breathtaking views of the mountains, the route offers both sporting challenges and impressive nature experiences. Ideal for experienced cycling fans who want to enjoy the beauty of the region to the full.
Auerberg-Wertach circuit
The Auerberg-Wertach tour takes you through the gentle hills and picturesque villages of the Allgäu. This varied tour offers magnificent views of the Alps and the opportunity to visit the historic Auerberg with its church. Ideal for leisure cyclists looking for a relaxed ride in an idyllic landscape.
Das Bild zeigt zwei Rennradfahrer in Trikots und Radlerhosen, die einen Hügel emporfahren. Beide tragen einen Helm. Sie sind gerade um eine enge Kurve gefahren. Die Straße ist geteert. An die Straße grenzen Wiesen an. Parallel zur Straße verläuft ein Holzzaun. Der Morgennebel lichtet sich langsam. Die Sonne scheint. Der Himmel ist blau. Im Hintergrund erheben sich die Berge.

Active tips

To be able to experience the Allgäu landscape for a long time to come, please take note of our activity tips. Because mutual respect and consideration for people and nature should be the top priority for all activities.

Leaflets and flyers

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