Füssen for all

Information about accessible and comfortable vacations

In Füssen, great importance is attached to ensuring that people with physical disabilities can enjoy an eventful and uncomplicated vacation. Right at the start of your travel planning, you will find the most important information and tips for organizing your accessible stay. Offers certified with "Travel for All" ensure greater transparency and show you the way to more comfort on your vacation. The Tourist Information staff are always on hand to help you plan your trip.


Reliable detailed information for your travel planning

"Reisen für Alle" is a nationwide standardized certification system that allows you to assess the suitability of the offer yourself when planning your trip. In detailed test reports, all information worth knowing is presented clearly and with pictures. In Füssen, several accommodations, leisure facilities and hiking trails have already been checked against the extensive criteria. The test reports of the "Travel for All" labeling system provide you with reliable information about the respective facility.

Rundweg um den Mitterseee

im Bad Faulenbacher Tal

Die Tour ist teilweise barrierefrei für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung, Hörbehinderung und Sehbehinderung.

Norduferweg am Weißensee

immer am Wasser entlang

Die Tour ist teilweise barrierefrei für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung und Rollstuhlfahrer.

Barrierefrei zum Bootshafen Füssen

am Lechufer entlang

Die Tour ist teilweise barrierefrei für Menschen mit Gehbehinderung und Rollstuhlfahrer. 

Hopfensee Rundweg

Bergblick inklusive

Die Tour ist teilweise barrierefrei für Rollstuhlfahrer, Menschen mit Gehbehinderung und Sehbehinderung.

"Travel for all" - certified leisure activities

Barrier-free experiences in and around Füssen
Forggensee shipping
The boat trip on the often turquoise-blue waters of Lake Forggensee is an experience for all the senses.
Forest Experience Center
At a height of 21 meters, you can fly through the treetops. Get to know the forest from a bird's eye view and feel the tingling in your stomach when you go up high.
Museum of the city of Füssen
In the former Benedictine monastery of St. Mang, you can learn all about the history of violin and lute making in Füssen.
Forggensee shipping
Enjoy coffee and cake on the short round trip across Lake Forggensee. And the magnificent view of Neuschwanstein Castle from the water.
The Tegelbergbahn cable car offers a unique view of Neuschwanstein Castle and the Allgäu Alpine foothills. There is a barrier-free panoramic restaurant with a magnificent view at the mountain station.
Museum of the Bavarian Kings
The Museum of the Bavarian Kings provides an insight into the history of the Wittelsbach dynasty from its beginnings to the present day.
Non-certified barrier-free excursion destinations
Not all leisure activities that are suitable for wheelchair users, for example, have taken part in the "Travel for All" testing process. Nevertheless, we do not want to withhold these leisure tips from you. If necessary, please contact the facility yourself to find out whether a visit is possible for you.
Certified excursion destinations in the surrounding area
Füssen is the ideal starting point for day trips. In the Allgäu you will find many worthwhile barrier-free excursion destinations that have been tested with "Travel for All". For example, the municipal museums in Kempten and Kaufbeuren or the Skywalk in Scheidegg.

Listening tour Füssen

A city tour for all the senses

The audio tour takes you to the city's most important sights in around 1:15 hours. Various settings can also be made in the app. You can choose between German and English and also select an audio-descriptive version in German. If you have not heard or understood something exactly, you will find the spoken texts at each stop under the displayed image for you to read. Under the motto "Listen and discover", you will find a total of 14 stations in the city.

Das Bild zeigt eine gemütliche mittelalterliche Stadt mit farbenfrohen Gebäuden, Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen und Blumenkübeln. Die Stadt ist lebhaft mit Menschen befüllt und es gibt mehrere Sonnenschirme und Tische für eine gemütliche Einkehr.
Das Bild erfasst einen Moment in einem Museum, in dem ein Mann im Rollstuhl auf eine große Steinskulptur zeigt. Die Skulptur, die den Mittelpunkt des Bildes darstellt, ist ein großer Steinblock mit komplizierten Schnitzereien. Der Mann, der der Hauptmotiv des Bildes ist, trägt ein blaues Hemd und benutzt seine rechte Hand, um auf die Skulptur zu zeigen. Er sitzt in einem Rollstuhl, der mit einer Rückenlehne und Armlehnen ausgestattet ist.  Im Hintergrund steht eine Frau hinter dem Mann. Sie trägt auch ein blaues Hemd und hält eine schwarze Handtasche. Die Museumsszenerie wird durch die Anwesenheit eines großen Fensters im Hintergrund betont, durch das natürliches Licht die Szene erhellt. Die Gesamtatmosphäre des Bildes ist eine des Neugier und Faszinations, da der Mann und die Frau die komplizierten Details der Skulptur erkunden.

"Mit dabei" - events organized by the Wertachtal Werkstätten

The Wertachtal workshops in Füssen offer a varied program of events throughout the year under the motto "Mit dabei" ("Join in"). These include painting and craft courses, cooking courses, guided tours, excursions and making music together. People with disabilities and people without disabilities spend their free time together. You are cordially invited to join us!

"Travel for all" - certified restaurants

Enjoy in comfort
House Hopfensee
A multi-faceted event venue. With a magnificent view over Lake Hopfensee, you can enjoy home-style delicacies from Allgäu cuisine in Haus Hopfensee's panoramic restaurant. Various events such as farmer's theater, markets, health lectures etc. take place at regular intervals in the adjoining event hall.
Café Werkgeplauder
Whether you want to have a leisurely breakfast, stop for lunch or enjoy coffee and cake. The Café Werkgeplauder serves healthy and freshly prepared dishes that change daily. The restaurant employs people with disabilities who put a lot of joy and passion into their work.
Non-certified barrier-free restaurants
Not all restaurants in Füssen that are suitable for wheelchair users, for example, have taken part in the "Travel for All" testing process. Nevertheless, we do not want to withhold them from you. If necessary, please check with the restaurant yourself whether a visit is possible for you and whether the offer meets your needs.
Restaurant in the Hotel Hirsch
The a la carte restaurant Hirsch serves traditional Bavarian dishes as well as modern cuisine. In the warmer months, you can take a seat in the beer garden under the chestnut trees. Inside, an original beer bar and other beautifully designed restaurant areas await you. The hotel has been labeled Travel for All.

Useful information

Start your barrier-free vacation better prepared

It is always an advantage to obtain useful information before you start your trip. This way you can approach your stay in a relaxed manner. That's why you'll find the answers to the most important questions here, such as where are accessible toilets? Where are barrier-free parking facilities? What helpful contacts and addresses are there? How does public transport work? And where are the local information points?

Das Bild zeigt einen Mann in einem Rollstuhl, der sich vollständig in das Spielen eines Videospiels vertieft. Er sitzt bequem in seinem Rollstuhl, welcher sich direkt vor einem großen Bildschirm befindet. Der Mann hält einen Spielcontroller in der Hand, seine Finger fähig, die Knöpfe geschickt zu bedienen. Der Bildschirm vor ihm zeigt ein lebhaftes Spiel voller Farben und Grafiken. Der Mann ist vollständig auf das Spiel konzentriert, seine Aufmerksamkeit unerschütterlich. Die Kulisse scheint ein Raum mit einer Glaswand zu sein, welche genügend natürliches Licht durchlässt. Die Atmosphäre ist eine von Konzentration und Vergnügen.

Leaflets and flyers

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