Sleep is vital, a basic need like eating and drinking. When it is good, we recover and recharge our batteries - physically, mentally and emotionally. Sleeping is an active state in which conscious experience is switched off. Everyone has an individual need for sleep. Whether we are a night owl or a morning lark, a long or a short sleeper, is something we are born with. But we all sleep according to a similar rhythm. Many factors influence our sleep: state of health, lifestyle, stress, environmental influences, bedroom design and the quality of the mattress, comforter and pillow. Together with scientists from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, the Kneipp health resort of Füssen has researched how sleep quality can be improved and is developing Kneipp-based offers for good and healthy sleep based on the results. To this end, some Füssen hosts have undergone special training and been certified as so-called sleep hosts.

Our offers

... for your good and healthy sleep

Compact cure

"Healthy sleep through inner order"

Only in the Kneipp health resort of Füssen in the Allgäu: With the "Healthy sleep through inner order" compact cure, you will find an outpatient preventive service that will help you get your sleep problems under control again. Based on the holistic approach of the Kneipp health method, you will learn with the help of coaching, lectures, treatments and training sessions how you can regain a sustainably improved quality of sleep and thus also an increased quality of life. The three-week compact cure is scientifically and medically recognized and is subsidized by the statutory health insurance companies.

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau, die mit dem Rücken zum Betrachter aufrecht in einem Bett mit weißen Lacken sitzt. Die Frau hat beide Arme in die Luft gestreckt und reckt sich leicht nach links. Das Bettzeug um sie herum ist zerwühlt und durch das Fenster scheint die Sonne in das Zimmer hinein.

Package deal

"Sleep sniffing"

People who sleep well live happier lives. Obvious, but easier said than done. For many of us, sleeping well and waking up refreshed is not something we take for granted. To ensure that a good night's sleep doesn't have to remain a dream for you, our sleep experts in Füssen will provide you with exciting knowledge and helpful tips and tricks on how you, as an involuntary night owl, can learn to sleep more restfully again in a five-day taster course in learning to sleep using Kneipp methods.

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau und einen Mann von oben, die sich eine blaugraue Bettdecke über die Nasenspitze ziehen und in die Kamera blicken. Ihre Köpfe sind auf ebensoblaugrauen Kissen gebettet.
Das Bild zeigt eine Frau mit einem weißen kurzen Oberteil. Sie liegt in einem Bett, das weiß bezogen ist. Sie streckt ihre Arme von sich, als wäre sie gerade aufgewacht. Sie hat ihre Augen geschlossen.

"Bavaria's best" reports!

Good night

If you sleep badly at night, you can't really enjoy your life during the day. Füssen in the Allgäu helps its guests to have a peaceful night's sleep. Bavaria's Best author Ulrike Kühne tried out the sleeping facilities at the Kneipp spa resort for four days. Find out what she experienced in her ten-page report ...

Füssen's certified sleep hosts

Special accommodation for your restful sleep on vacation

They have specialized in the topic of nightly rest - the Füssen sleep hosts. The certified accommodation providers not only have the right hardware in their rooms with high-quality mattresses, blackout facilities, a selection of teas, essential oils, the Füssen Sleep Bible and much more. Based on Kneipp's teachings, each hotel also has at least one trained sleep guide on hand with tips and tricks for a good night's sleep.

Das Bild zeigt drei Personen, die die Matratze eine Bettes hochheben und den darunterliegenden Lattenrost betrachten. Eine Frau trägt ein dunkles Dirndl. Eine Frau hat Papiere in der Hand. Ein Mann in Jeans, weißem Hemd und Weste ist in die Hocke gegangen.
Das Bild zeigt drei unterschiedliche, aufeinanderliegende Kopfkissen, ohne Bezug, vor einer Holzwand. Auf dem obersten Kissen steht „Relax“ in Holzbuchstaben. Vor dem Kissenstapel steht ein Papierschild mit der Aufschrift „Kissenstapel“ in einer Holzhalterung.
Das Bild zeigt eine Frau in Jeans und kurzem schwarzen T-Shirt, die ein dunkelgraues Heft auf eine Bettdecke eines vor sich stehenden Doppelbettes legt. Die Bettdecken und Kissen des Doppelbettes sind weiß bezogen.

Offers from our sleeping hosts

Important note: The provider of the accommodation offers and, in the case of package deals, the tour operator is exclusively the host named on the respective offer page. Füssen Tourismus und Marketing is not the agent of the offers.

Boutique Hotel Dreimäderlhaus
Five nights and lots of little helpers for your restful sleep.
Biohotel Eggensberger
For your day-night balance. Only those who sleep well can master the day.
Eggensberger Training Center
Exciting health topics every week at 4 p.m. on Tuesday at the Alpreflect rehabilitation clinic and on Wednesday at the Biohotel Eggensberger.

The Füssen Sleep Bible

Tips and tricks for the restless
Schlaffibel Füssen
Nützliche Infos und Tipps rund um den Schlaf hier downloaden oder bei den Füssener Schlafgastgeber*innen entdecken.
Schlaffibel Füssen - wissenschaftliche Version
Wissenschaftliche Darstellung, verfasst von Prof. Dr. Dr. Angela Schuh vom Lehrstuhl für Public Health und Versorgungsforschung (IBE) an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU).

Chapter 1

Sleep and lifestyle

One of the most important reasons for non-organic sleep disorders and poor sleep is our lifestyle. What influence our lifestyle has on our sleep...

Duration: 5 minutes, 28 seconds

Chapter 2

Healthy sleep

What is healthy sleep? Find out more about the different stages of sleep, the architecture of sleep and the physical and psychological effects of good sleep.

Duration: 11 minutes, 14 seconds

Chapter 3

Chronobiology and healthy sleep

Lark or owl? Our sleep is controlled by the "internal clock". What genetic imprinting, external zeitgebers and the circadian rhythm are all about...

Duration: 12 minutes, 12 seconds

Chapter 4

Kneipp therapy and healthy sleep

Sleep better with Kneipp? The five pillars of the Kneipp concept are excellent for preventing and treating sleep disorders.

Duration: 9 minutes, 51 seconds

Chapter 5

Basic rules for healthy sleep

Poor sleep - what to do? What can everyone do in the evening, before going to bed or during the night to get a more restful night's sleep?

Duration: 36 minutes, 46 seconds

All chapters

to listen through...

All chapters are summarized in one file.
Please do not fall asleep while listening ;)

Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes, 35 seconds

Open your ears and close your eyes...

With selected sleep specialists, the BETTENRID podcast answers all the important questions about good sleep so that listeners can wake up feeling more rested tomorrow. In the 27th episode, qualified psychologist and seminar leader Sascha Maurer reports on the sleep compact cure in Füssen.
Radio trip
Healthy days and nights in Füssen. For his radio series "Radioreise", radio presenter Alex Tauscher reports on the sleep hosts and Kneipp-based offers for good and healthy sleep in Füssen. Listen to his sleep journey ...
Allgäu Podcast
What is yoga actually? How does it give us self-confidence and peace of mind? Yoga teacher Franzi Driendl, who started her own yoga business a year and a half ago, tells us this and much more in the Allgäu Podcast.

Leaflets and flyers

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