Healing Allgäu, healing Füssen

Arrive and set off

Where a king's dream is revealed in the unspoiled landscape, a health region begins in which naturopathic prevention is deeply rooted. Effective natural remedies make a health vacation a royal pleasure. Wellness is also redefined here: Alpine wellness in the Allgäu means relaxing in a castle park landscape that even seduced King Ludwig II.
Here you can find your inner center, authentic, original, free!

Decades of experience in naturopathy and classical medicine await you in the spa town of Füssen in the Allgäu. And it's even certified: The town of Füssen together with the district of Bad Faulenbach has held the title of Kneipp health resort for more than 80 years, plus the districts of Hopfen am See as a Kneipp health resort and climatic health resort, Weißensee as a climatic health resort and Bad Faulenbach also as a mud spa. Just in time for the Kneipp anniversary year 2021, the entire town of Füssen with all its districts was also recognized as a Kneipp health resort
That's concentrated healing expertise for your well-being.

Body, mind and soul

As a predicate Kneipp health resort , Füssen places particular emphasis on holistic resilience, because healthy people find and strengthen the balance of body, mind and soul. In addition to the Kneipp pillars of exercise and water, the inner order is the main pillar of Füssen's health offer. Exercise trails, Kneipp treading pools and relaxation islands await you in various Kneipp experience areas. Certified sleep hosts offer specially equipped guest rooms and coordinated services for a good and restful night's sleep for those seeking peace and quiet:

Health made easy ...

... thanks to the services of the Bavarian Spas Association

What does the path to a cure actually look like? And how does the spa application process work? The Bavarian spas and health resorts are going online with a service that is unique in Germany: From now on, you can simply fill out a digital spa application online, select the spa of your choice and then email the application to your family doctor's practice. Incidentally, since June 21, 2021, outpatient spa treatments are once again a mandatory benefit under statutory health insurance. The Bavarian Spas Association's online symptom checker will also support you with helpful information and the Bavarian Health Finder will show you the way to our local health experts and the offer tailored to your needs.

The best offers from our health partners

Experience Kneipp, sleep better

Important note: The provider of the accommodation offers and, in the case of package deals, the tour operator is exclusively the host named on the respective offer page. Füssen Tourismus und Marketing is not the agent of the offers.

Spa and Vitality Hotel Wiedemann
A true classic - prevention, regeneration and stabilization in the spirit of Kneipp.
Boutique Hotel Dreimäderlhaus
Five nights and many little helpers for your restful sleep.
Spa Hotel Jakob
An invigorating wellness package with hay bags, massages and Kneipp watering.
Biohotel Eggensberger
Kneipp is simply good for you! Draw strength from the water doctor's health concept.
Biohotel Eggensberger
For your day-night balance. Only those who sleep well can master the day.
Eggensberger Training Center
Exciting health topics every week at 4 p.m. on Tuesday at the Alpreflect rehabilitation clinic and on Wednesday at the Biohotel Eggensberger.
An extensive course program for your fitness and health on vacation.

In good hands ...

Füssen's specialized accommodation for your well-being

Good nights!

With Füssen's sleeping hosts

They have specialized in the topic of nightly rest - the Füssen sleep hosts. The certified accommodation providers not only have the right hardware in their rooms with high-quality mattresses, blackout facilities, a selection of teas, essential oils, the Füssen Sleep Bible and much more. Based on Kneipp's teachings, each hotel also has at least one trained sleep guide on hand with tips and tricks for a good night's sleep.

Das Bild zeigt drei Personen, die die Matratze eine Bettes hochheben und den darunterliegenden Lattenrost betrachten. Eine Frau trägt ein dunkles Dirndl. Eine Frau hat Papiere in der Hand. Ein Mann in Jeans, weißem Hemd und Weste ist in die Hocke gegangen.

Pure relaxation ...

With Füssen's wellness hosts

The wellness hosts in Füssen ensure that you feel at home from the very first second. It starts in the Alpine wellness rooms with a wonderful view of the mountains, the greenery or even the white. Alpine-influenced spa areas entice you to indulge yourself with guaranteed pampering, while nature-loving relaxation offers finally allow you to arrive mentally and spiritually on your wellness vacation.

Das Bild zeigt einen Indoor-Swimming Pool. Eine Frau in Badekleidung ist im Pool und hält sich am Poolrand fest. Sie hält ein Wasserglas in der rechten Hand. Eine andere Frau sitzt auf einer Holzbank neben dem Pool. Diese Frau trägt einen weißen Bademantel. Auch sie hat eine gefülltes Wasserglas in der Hand. Die beiden Frauen lächeln sich zu. Hinter einer großen Fensterfront erheben sich die schneebedeckten Berge. Der Himmel ist grau.

Decades of experience

With Füssen's spa and health hosts

As health vacations and cures also have a long tradition in Füssen, you will find competent and experienced spa and health hosts, spa clinics and sanatoriums here. Put your trust in our experts, who will put together individually tailored therapy programs for you and benefit from the healing effects of the elements of Kneipp's natural healing method: Medical wellness has been a top priority for the traditional health hosts in Füssen for years.

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau, die bäuchlings auf einer Massageliege liegt. Sie ist unbekleidet. Ein weißes Handtuch bedeckt ihr Gesäß und ihren unteren Rücken. Sie hat die Augen geschlossen. Über ihr steht eine Person, die ihr die obere Rückenpartie massiert. Die Person trägt ein weißes Oberteil. Der Raum ist hell erleuchtet.

Concentrated health expertise!

Füssen's medical care

Füssen guarantees comprehensive medical healthcare. The local hospital offers a wide range of medical services, from emergency care to specialized treatments. The m&i-Fachklinik Enzensberg in Hopfen am See is particularly renowned and has been meeting challenges in conservative acute medicine and inpatient and outpatient medical rehabilitation for over 40 years. In addition, there are four medical care centers (MVZs) in the Füssen area that promote close cooperation between different medical specialties.

Das Bild zeigt einen Mann, der sich nur ein weißen Handtuch um die Hüften gebunden hat. Er hat dem Betrachter den Rücken zugedreht, steht im knöcheltiefen Wasser eines Sees und streckt die Arme nach oben. Der See ist umringt von grünen Wäldern. Der Himmel ist blau. Die Sonne scheint.

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