Winter package deals
Our package deal
Our offer for your flying visit to the Allgäu winter helps against foggy gray and winter blues. Experience the best way to get high with a trip to the panoramic Tegelberg and pamper yourself with hot winter drinks and relaxing hours in the thermal spa with cozy warmth inside and out. A short break in the cold season boosts the immune system and is simply fun.
The organizer of the "Hot on White" package is:
Füssen Tourism and Marketing
Institution under public law of the town of Füssen
Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 1
87629 Füssen
Please note the travel conditions for the package deals.
3 days in Füssen from 178,80 EUR p.p.

- from 230,80 EUR per person in a hotel
- from 178,80 EUR per person in a hostel
- from 190.80 EUR per person in a vacation apartment
- 10.01. - 30.03.2025
- 05.12. - 21.12.2025
(weekly from Friday to Sunday)
Unfortunately, it is not possible to book at Christmas.
- 2 nights in a hotel / hostel (with breakfast) or in a vacation apartment (without breakfast) (depending on the guest's choice)
- Guided winter romance hike with hot drink (Saturday at 5 p.m.; only in German, group tour)
- 4 hours of relaxation in the Royal Crystal Spa Schwangau
- Allgäu Kässpatzen or Kaiserschmarrn meal in the old town hotel "Zum Hechten"
- 1 ascent and descent with the Tegelberg cable car
- 1 heart-warming winter drink in the RIWA restaurant (according to the current drinks menu)
Arrival by the guest.
These hotels are exclusively hosts who participate in the packages offered by Füssen Tourismus und Marketing under the conditions set out.
- As a guest in Füssen, you will receive the Füssen Card free of charge during your stay, which includes the following services, among others: use of public transport
- Please note that not all services included in the package offer are fully accessible to people with limited mobility. Please provide precise information about the number of people and the type and extent of the mobility restrictions of the participants concerned when booking so that we can check whether the booking can be confirmed. If you have any questions, please contact Füssen Tourismus und Marketing on +49 8362 9385-0 or by email at tourismus(at)
- When booking, we recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance.
Our package deal
Treat yourself to a little break from the often hectic Christmas preparations. In Füssen, where the Romantic Road meets the first snow-covered Alpine peaks, the "stade" (quiet) time is celebrated with concerts in the baroque churches, "Krippele luage" and an Advent market in the historic St. Mang monastery courtyard.
The organizer of the "Füssener Adventsgenuss" package is:
Füssen Tourism and Marketing
Institution under public law of the town of Füssen
Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 1
87629 Füssen
Please note the travel conditions for the package deals.
3 days in Füssen from 178,80 EUR p.p.

- from 237,80 EUR per person in a hotel
- from 178.80 EUR per person in a vacation apartment
- 05.12. - 07.12.2025
- 12.12. - 14.12.2025
(Friday to Sunday)
- 2 nights in a hotel (with breakfast) in Füssen or Bad Faulenbach (depending on the guest's choice)
- Christmas three-course dinner at the hotel
- Visit to the Advent market with food voucher (organic mulled wine / organic punch, crêpe)
- 4 hours of relaxation in the Königliche Kristall-Therme Schwangau
- Allgäu specialty in the old town hotel "Zum Hechten"
- Guided winter romance hike with hot drink (Saturday 5.00 pm, only in German, group tour)
Arrival by the guest.
These hotels are exclusively hosts who participate in the packages offered by Füssen Tourismus und Marketing under the conditions set out.
- As a guest in Füssen, you will receive the Füssen Card free of charge during your stay, which includes the following services, among others: use of public transport
- Please note that not all services included in the package offer are fully accessible to people with limited mobility. Please provide precise information about the number of people and the type and extent of the mobility restrictions of the participants concerned when booking so that we can check whether the booking can be confirmed. If you have any questions, please contact Füssen Tourismus und Marketing on +49 8362 9385-0 or by email at tourismus(at)
- When booking, we recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance.
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